Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Saying Good-Bye!

With school starting next week for Sydney we are soooo sad to be loosing our Early Interventionists. They have been coming over for the last year, they are the only therapists that come to the house. They have been so sweet putting up with the messy days, distracting days, house full of family days, and loving Carter that gets tortured seeing the fun toys and me threatening him to leave them alone. I have been amazed at how much these wonderful women have influenced not only Sydney's life but our entire family. They are wonderful! They are soooo appreciated & will be missed!


  1. Karen, so I finally retried to get on to your blog (struggled for a while), but today I got to read the entire thing. I am sure missing you!! I so LOVE that you finally started this blog. Thanks for sharing the past few months . . Love the pictures. Kiss that cute baby girl for me. Call me! Kathy

  2. Wow! You've been busy since I left! I love that you started a blog! I will definitely be checking in often.
