Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2 Additions to the Family!

We were thrilled to put our tire swing back up in the tree. We had to take it down 6 months earlier after a heavy rain made the tree start to uproot. We jacked the tree up and it has been propped with wood. Swinging is still hard with the wood there, but it was fun to be able to play a little in it.
Here is the first turtle, Carter named him BOB. He is the larger of the two, but seems to get plowed over constantly.
Then we have Sydneys, we call him Little T. We figured she may be able to call him "T" and say his name eventually. She gets a kick out of watching them walk around.
We didn't know if Sydney was going to kiss the turtle, or try to nibble a little, but good thing Carter has fast hands. Shortly after this she tried to shake the turtle out of his shell, we have cut back a little on Sydney holding the turtles.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve at Grandmas is always a highlight. It was different not having Grandpa there, but I think he was in all our thoughts. It is a tradition to have enchiladas followed by an acted out nativity then watch Luke II (which hasn't worked the last couple years) before heading home to prepare for Santa.
Shelly has been adopted by the family. It is a treat to have her join the fun! She is sure we are fully supplied with delightful ice cream cakes!
Every other year Sandra & Whit rotate, we so missed Whit and family, but enjoyed having Sandra's clan. Carter is always happy when Dallin is around!

Doesn't Neil make a great angel in a costume made for an 8 year old girl. Everyone is a good sport when it comes to the nativity! Carter & Ella made a great Mary & Joseph

Merry Christmas!!!

This is our poor excuse for a Christmas card this year! But it comes with so much love and appreciation! We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a great New Year! You have all touched our life in one way or another and for that we appreciate you and your families!
Merry Christmas from the Marshalls!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Time Well Spent

Carter & I have talked about making a gingerbread house all month. With craziness it never happened. But yesterday we finally had a couple hours to spare and had so much fun creating. We decided every year we would get better. We were going to sprinkle coconut all over for snow but it crumbled a couple minutes after this picture. Next year!This year I wasn't meant to make our ward and neighbors Christmas treats. I attempted these wonderful apples, they ended up getting the name of cellulite apples, but they tasted good, and then I don't know what I did with the Carmel corn. How wrong can one go with sugar and butter, but it was a disaster. For all those that didn't get treats from the Marshalls, it was attempted we will have something wonderful next year!

The walker is our friend!

Trying to convince Sydney that the walker is her friend has been tricky. But in therapy Tera got her to stand and us it to play. It is a start!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Paul Christmas Party

Mom & Dad invited us over for a full night of Christmas fun! Mom had made all the girls these little shirts, so cute!
The kids frosted cookies . . . well, they frosted a cookie, licked the frosting off and re frosted it again. The neighbors that were receiving these treats will love their cookies!
Growing up every year we would go caroling around the neighborhood. It was so fun as we started getting the neighbors to come and we'd come back for treats after. They was kyboshed a couple years back but it was fun to go with our little clan. The kids could barely hold in their excitement as they ran and rang the bell before we'd even get to the door.
Before we put the kids down so the adults could watch a movie Grandma read one of our favorite Christmas books to the kids. They loved it!

It was such a fun night!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Our week at Phoenix Childrens Hospital

Sydney can trump my schedule and clear my calendar faster than anyone! Not that this would be her first choice of activities! She had gone in for IV's the previous week for dehydration due to a blocked up intestine. During our week she did a cleanse, which fixed the intestine but had little hiccups here and there. She also has been having some tensing of her feet and hands which causes a lot of pain. They are calling it possible distonia. We are still waiting for test results to figure out if we can learn exactly what is going on. In the mean time we are trying our best to keep her comfortable and happy.

Dads wonderful boss kicked him out when he heard about Sydney in the hospital and Grandpas death so it was a treat to have Neil come and play with us for a couple hours. I think it was the best visit and longest visit ever!!! We learned to appreciate it even more when Carter & Neil got the flu and were unable to visit us the rest of the stay! Whit was in town and came to visit one night, I don't think she realizes the help she was that night as Sydney had a tensing episode that went until 4:30 am with not much help from drugs. She brought me dinner and helped by holding Sydney and talking to me well into the night. Between her and Sandra bringing me clothes and supplies we survived another stay at PCH!
One day we were off precautions so we could leave our room. Sydney was delighted to be able to take a ride down to the play room. Unfortunately the next day we were back on room bound precautions. We got pretty creative with that wagon in a small room.
This stay was a little different when my Grandpa passed away the second day we were in the hospital. I have never left Sydney before, but with our two wonderful nurses that work with Sydney at home came and stayed with her so I was able to go to the viewing and the funeral. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I didn't worry at all while I was gone about how she was doing!

We appreciate all the love and prayers we received while in the hospital! It was an intense week, but hopefully answers will come from it. We are thrilled even though Sydney is unable to walk she is as happy as ever!!! She is a trooper!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Grandpa Farnsworth

How to sum up Grandpa and how wonderful he is is hard. No one loved all of us as much as Grandpa. He had an unconditional love and concern. Everything was always alright when Grandpa was around. He was Sydney's biggest cheerleader and optimist. I was so grateful to be able to go visit Grandpa a couple days before we went into the hospital. I was so happy to lay next to him on the bed and hold his hand. He expressed his love over and over. He lay in pain and so uncomfortable but asked about my family and Sydney. That was Grandpa!

My heart goes out to Grandma. He adored her and she adored him. It was a blessing over the years to see how sweet they were to each other. Grandma took such good care of Grandpa, especially these last years.
I was soo worried about going to the funeral with all the stress and emotion from the hospital and not really having the chance to internalise Grandpas death I was afraid I would loose all control of my emotions. At the end of the beautiful funeral as the family started to walk out from the back you hear mariachis playing. Grandpa wanted mariachis at his funeral. I think as soon as they started to play every one had to kind of laugh, knowing that's what Grandpa wanted and it was so odd and random! It was great!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Happy Birthday!

I can't believe Carter is 7! He is a blessing in our life! He is always so sweet and happy!

A little trip from the last 7 years with Carter!
1yrs. old
2 years old
3 years old
4 years old
5 years old
6 years old 7 years old
We love you Carter!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

First Annual Paul Family Campout

Everyone was able to coordinate schedules so we could go camping for a weekend. We were so surprised when Mom said she'd come to our ward camp out that we decided we'd better share this occasion with the entire family that was around. We took a pit stop on the way up for a cone, Neil was sharing with Sydney who shockingly, but sadly she liked it, but isn't allowed to have it. But she enjoyed her couple snuck bites.
We had a bit of a hard time finding the exact turn off, so we pulled over with the kids and let them play while Dad went and found the right turn off. Good time for a picture before they get too dirty.
Neil brought his guitar and was able to play us a couple songs. Silent night and Jingle bells were two of the bigger hits.
Sydney was so happy sitting next to Grandma singing songs.

Neil & Carter, we didn't see Carter & Dallin very much, they had a lot of fun off exploring.
Hanging around!
I hadn't realised what pyros Mom & Sandra were, they were crazy with that fire after the kids went to bed.
When Troy tried to help he got sucked in too. Dad always makes for a good breakfast!
Sydney had fun watching everyone do what they do!
It was a great trip!

When do we do it again with the entire family?