Sunday, December 22, 2013

Long Time Overdue!!!

 Carter 10   Sydney 7    Kate 3

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Kate started dance!

Kate started dance this last year and has really liked it.   Her coordination still has a way to develop, but she tries!
 This is her teacher Ms. Nicole.  Kate talks about her all week before she goes to class.

 They had there recital in Dec.  she was doing great until she saw Dad waving and it was all over at that point.  She tried to run off stage a couple times to give him a hug, but that was after she stopped dancing started jumping around waving and saying "hi Dad" over and over.  He is banned to the back next recital!!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Peralta Trail

Neil set out to hike Peralta Trail with some co-workers and the fam.  It was a great hike, always a little longer than I remember, but we made it!  Tyler came to keep Carter busy so it worked great!

 Kate was a trooper, she did ok in the back pack but every once and a while she wanted to get out and rough it! The hike lasted a good four hours.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Oddest thing!!!

The funniest thing, Neil noticed Kate having a large object in her tummy when kissing her good night.  We took a couple guesses as to what it was, but wasn't expecting . . .

  . . . a baby. . .  her Baby Andrew
 we were laughing so hard! She is such a crazy little thing!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Happy Birthday Kate! 3

I can't believe she is 3! She is my special little girl!!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Happy Birthday Carter

Carter had a Dodge Ball Party this year.  Boys came and decorated their dodge balls.  

 Before taking off had a fancy meal of grilled cheese and chips!
 We found a great use for all the now empty moving boxes.  Each team was given there boxes, duct tape and five cups.  They were instructed to build a beracade and place the cups in clear view.

Game on . . . Each threw balls to try to hit other teams cups over or pelt other team players with balls.  Neil couldn't help but try to take them all on himself.  With the couple extra kids that joined the game Neil almost had them, but not quite!

 Great group of boys!!!

Saturday, September 28, 2013


After 10 year in our house we have taken the plunge and moved!  We loved our house, but needed a bit more space to allow room to spread. 
 I did't mind packing for the most part, it's always good to have to clean!!  But when the day came to move I wasn't as fond of the task.  Things began multiplying at an exponential rate!!!

 But all hands on deck we got it moved!

 Neil thought he could move with just the two of us so when extra "strong" hands came to help I was sincerely so grateful!!!!!!  I can help with some pretty heavy things, but you put me under a piano and once the giggles start I am of no use!!

 Tatum was a life saver helping to keep Sydney occupied!!!
 And the new house slowly started to fill up in no orderly fashion!!

 Thats when we recroute the organizer, Sandra came and helped in that category!
Then for the decorating Whitney was called in!
 Each night Carters night job would be to brake down that days boxes and take them out.  He is pretty good at braking down boxes now!
 We had to have a fence put up around the pool, the girls LoVE to swim!
 First things first, take out dead plants in front, remove wood chips, put good soil in and pray the newly planted plants take root!

 We are loving the new house!!