Friday, May 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Sydney

Happy 3rd Birthday Sydney!!! She has had a wild 3 years, but she has been a pure joy the entire time, always happy and freely sharing her "hi" & "kisses"! She is one of the happiest little people I know!!!

She tends to try to feed dolls, friends babies, & cousins by poking them in the tummy with a syringe, pen, marker, anything that shape. She is feeding them like she eats, it is cute, but we thought we'd work on a bottle. She wasn't a big fan, but after Dad helped for a while she is now feeding the baby like a champ!

Happy Birthday crown from school!
Auburn & Allison were born on Sydney's 1st birthday, it is a treat to share their birthday! Happy Birthday Auburn & Allison (more accurately. . .Sandra, you made it another year, I hear 2's aren't that bad)!!!
Sydney loved her new pink school bus! Pool party at Grandpa & Grandmas. We are so happy Whitney & Christopher could be here to join the fun. Isn't his hair crazy!
Troy & the 2 birthday girls!
One of the best parts about sharing a birthday with the girls is that I will never have to think of a cute cake! I will probably never have to make one either, oh wait. . . I never do. . . Sandra does! Unfortunately due to the ice cream nature of the cake & craziness or the moment we don't have a picture of the big cake, but the girls had minny turtles to enjoy. Auburn & Allison dug in and Sydney took it a little slower. She isn't eating by mouth right now, but checks things out thoroughly for when she does!

Sydney poked at it for a while, but had more fun singing "cold" every time she touched it followed by a little giggle.


  1. I am SO HAPPY you left me commments! I didn't even know you had a blog! Happy Birthday Sydney girl!!

  2. I didn't realize they all share a birthday--how fun. Looks like a PARTY!!
