Saturday, December 25, 2010


We headed to Mom & Dads for breakfast. Christopher was there and ready to play when we got there!

When at Moms I rarely have the baby between her and Grandma, but Sandra moves faster than them and can sometimes manage an interception.Speaking of Sandra, she is soo good at thinking of what the kids would enjoy. She got Sydney a box of Kleenex. It was the best gift ever!! She first sat and pulled them all out, and then she sat and shredded them into little peaces. Sydney LOVED it, we had to keep Carter away, he kept wanting to play with it (I know what he is getting next year)!
Yes, Grandma is holding Kate and a GUN! These son in laws bring a different dynamic to our family! I think they were encouraging her to spin it around on her finger.
We knew Sydney's fall earlier that morning was bothering her, but when she kept asking for her apples I figured she was feeling better. So when Troy noticed her face full of blood I was shocked to see her tooth gone. A couple days later it was found, the root was at least 1 1/2 the size of the tooth. Tough girl!

Good thing she is a cute girl because with her sucking on that lower lip all the time she resembles a little Nanny McPhee occasionally!
Carter loved his Lego's and tramp, but the hat Sandra made him I think is top of his list.

1 comment:

  1. The hat was my idea; you can either thank me or hate me later.
