Sunday, May 9, 2010

Why Atlanta?

Back in Dec. Sydneys Dr.s Started talking about a Dr. in Atlanta that they were sending her extra muscle to and other things so he could look at it. In March after talking to Sydney's Neurologists it was decided the next step was to go see Dr. Shoffner in Atlanta. Our Doctors had done all they knew what to do, they were at the end of their ideas. Dr. Shoffner is a specialist in Mitochondria Diseases. I am still so limited on what we are talking about, but in a nut shell I know the Mitochondria is the energy source for your body. It helps produce energy and the brake down of the energy. If you think back to science in school we were taught about the cell, in the center is the nucleus, and then around the nucleus is the mitochondria. That is what they feel may be causing things to act up.

With the wonderful love and support and prayers by many Sydney and I were able to go back and see Dr. Shoffner for a week. The trip was a whirl wind, but in the end we were able to get all the tests done. When I met with Dr. Shoffner there wasn't a lot we talked about, because there are so many different Mitochondrial disorders that are all so specific to the patient. He encouraged me not to research things until we narrow things down. Until the tests are done, and the results are back we really don't know anything yet. But he seemed to know what he was talking about, and I know we are in good hands. As I talked to a couple Mito parents since being home I am even more appreciative that we are working with him.

Test results may start coming the end of July. I am going back in August to meet with Dr. Shoffner and talk about results. From what I understand most Mitochondrial disorders aren't something you cure, but by knowing what the path may be and how to treat things that come is what we are hoping to find. We appreciate more than the heart can express those that are going through this adventure with us!!!

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