Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Atlanta Trip Step 1

The trip was broken into chunk mentally of things needed to accomplish. Getting through security, getting on the plain, getting to Atlanta, getting our baggage, getting our rental car, and finally ending up at the Ronald Mc Donald house. After a night of Sydney being sick on both ends the decision to go was much harder to make, but she didn't have a fever. But we decided to go for it and just pray like crazy things go well. Her being sick made things a bit tricky, but the flight over couldn't have gone better. She actually fell asleep for about an hour of the ride, and she held everything in. I didn't feed her, just a very slow drip of water in hopes of not needing an IV when we got there. Us Airways has to have the least amount of flying space I have ever experienced! She had to sit criss cross or she would hit her feet, but the plane got us there safely!
I have to say that our double stroller saved me. There was no humanly possible way for me to carry her and everything, we got quite a few funny glances, but it worked! It is great in the Atlanta airport they have a tram/train thing that you can catch and it takes your were you need to go. BUT I didn't know that, I saw it, but I was too nervous to get on it in fear of ending up in some random place. So we did a very long trek through the airport. But on the way home we got on it and it was BEAUTIFUL!I have a new love for my friends GPS system. I can't explain how beautiful the sound "re-calculating" was when I knew I had just made a wrong turn, or when I missed the exit or when I was in a part of town that looked like a scary movie. She always got me back on track, I bet I could turn that into a church talk, but not today. I tried to name her and the only thing that fit is Synergy (from the tv show Jem growing up). Sandra uses that for her car GPS. It just fits.

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