Friday, January 8, 2010

Back in the hopsital

Sydney came back to the hospital on Sunday morning. I think she missed a couple nurses. She is doing good, she has an infection in her intestines. We were packing to go home this morning, but had to change direction when the Dr. wanted her to stay. Which as much as I didn't want to she ended up waking pretty dehydrated after less than 24 hours off IVs. So, we will be here a couple more days. Again thank you thank you for those that have called, helped with Carter, popped in for sanity checks and that have had Sydney and our family in their prayers. Sydney is as lively and happy as ever. She leans over the end of the coach and yells "hi" "hi" over and over and over to the nurses out the door. I am surprised they haven't shut her door yet. We were taken off precautions today so we were able to leave the room!!!!! With a tool skirt a nurse brought her she has painted all over her and I and covered the hallways on the push toy. In this situation it is such a blessing to have her being so great, having her happy & lively is exhausting, but makes the days wonderful! Unfortunately due to the season Carter isn't able to visit, but is having a blast with Dad. Thank you to all of you that are giving him extra hugs!


  1. OH KAREN! I've been checking your blog and not commenting "because of time" but really I am just a looser! You need to know that I think of you often. You are all in our prayers. I think that you must be destined for Saint-hood, that is, if you weren't a Mormon eh? I can just hear her saying her little "hi" to everyone. I LOVE it!

  2. Wow! Sorry to hear that! We will definitely keep you and your family in our prayers!! Love you!

  3. You'll be in our prayers also. So sorry for all your ups & downs. You are TRULY a saint! No matter what comes, you're always so positive and hopeful. I know there's an amazing mansion awaiting you!!! (Not kidding!)
