Saturday, February 19, 2011

Boys will be Boys!

We went out for a nice little shooting excursion with Carter and Kate (who stayed in the truck and slept). We had a great time! But. . . unfortunately that probably wont be what was remembered about this trip.
I will try to be kind when labeling these next couple. The title of this post explains it all! "Karen, it totally levels off, we can make it!" Yes it levels off after the bump at the top!

Wait, something isn't right about this picture!! Yes, we are stuck!

Carter was in tears, which showed his confidence in his parents to get us out of a sticky spot. Luckily the intoxicated bikers came and were able to pull us from the back off the hill and we were able to cancel the wonderful help that was on their way! I will admit, Neil was humbled and we talked the entire way home on how we were grateful we had phones, tow rope, and people around!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dart Baby

I hear laughing coming from Carters room, and know something is going on.
So innocent!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Whit and I ventured to the Zoo with Christopher, Sydney, & Kate. All went well until a bit of a melt down at the end which worked out perfect because we were heading for the exit already.
That's there way of hugging!
Kate was suppose to be napping, you can see how well that was going!

Sydney struggled to see a lot of the animals and she wasn't too sure what she was looking at, but she saw this monkey and kept giving him kisses.
The second animal she loved was the red macaw. It was brightly colored and made such a loud sound she loved it!Christopher loved everything it seemed! He was thrilled to be able to sit on the tractor and drive!
He's so cute!