Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I love when they start smiling!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

How do you do it?

I had a doctor ask we a couple months back how I can stay on top of things with Sydney and all and do it with a positive attitude. I fumbled over my answer, but as I have thought about that question over the last couple months I figured out my answer.
I feel so blessed to have Sydney, our family wouldn't be the way it is today if she wasn't just who she is.
But I know there is a larger picture, I know we lived before we came to earth, and I know we will live after we leave this earth. Sydney has had to endure so many things, but when she leaves this earth, she wont have to do that anymore. That brings so much comfort to me as a mom. We are learning from her struggles and we are growing, but it it my job to help her in every way to enjoy this life no matter what is going on.
When things get too overwhelming I have a Father in Heaven that comforts, guides, and calms my fears. Most of the time that is done through my wonderful family, friends, and amazing ward. I can't fix,or make some things go away, although I wish I could. So many things are out of my hands, so I try not to get dwell on those things too long! We have a wonderful life, we are so blessed, and I find so much joy in my little family!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Silly Mountain

We thought we'd go for a family hike. The trail use to be straight up the front of the hill, but they have nicely redone it and it was a much longer hike than before. But we did it and it worked out great. Sydney started walking, but ended up in the backpack.
We made it!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


The boys heading to their football game. It is always nice getting together with the family. Rachelle was home from school to join in the fun!
We have lots to be Thankful for!!
Kate loves her Dad!
Neil hung out at the kids table this year!

Monday, November 22, 2010

This is a HUGE momentous picture for me. Neil came with me to a doctors appointment, the first time!!! It was Kate's check up, but I think he is a little sweeter when I call him flustered after going with both of them to the doctor. He was in and out with Sydney trying to keep her content so I could talk with the doctor. It was a special day!!

Kate has been such a sweet baby! She hung out on the counter while we finished making dinner!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Neil

Happy Birthday Neil! He enjoyed having the day off, he and Sydney played guitar.
Later we went and looked at some guitars, I think he found her.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Neil, Carter & some friends went and hiked Peralta Trail. Carter is so hard on shoes and we were holding out for Christmas break for shoes, but Neil called concerned when the front of his shoes had split open. The nearby Bashas didn't have shoes, but they had duct tape! We went the next day and got shoes, but for the hike good'ol duck tape! They made it to the needle. The little tree on the right is were they hiked to on the next photo.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Flat Iron

Neil & Nic heading up to Flat Iron

Nic is near a cross were someone else was sitting on the edge when a gust of wind must have come.
They made it!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bike Ride

We were able to borrow some bikes so the entire clan could ride. We headed down to Tempe Town Lake.
Neil & Nic had a hard time on the tandem, so when Chip & Pam rode it like pros they were thrilled!
Sydney never gets enough bike riding!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Carters Baptism & Kates Blessing

This was a special day for Carter & Kate. Carter chose to be baptised, and because all the family was there we blessed Kate also. We are so proud of Carter. He is an amazing little man, we are so glad he is ours!
Much of Neils family came down which made this day for Carter mean more! We loved having them! These are some amazing men that I hope Carter can look up to and follow their example!
My sweet little girl!
We appreciate all the love and support we get from our families!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Marshall Bilyeu Game Night

Neils Grandparents came for Carters baptism from Idaho so it was nice to have them out the night before for dinner, and later my family came and we played some games.
Betty was so nice to sit and keep Kate happy while I did last minute dinner arranging.

We had a mean game of Nerts going on, I tried to tell Neil that my family didn't want to make his feel bad by creaming them, but out of no where Nic came in with some mad Nerts skills. He has potential!!

Carters Hair Cut

Carter grew his hair out this summer and it drove me crazy because it never looked done. So he said he would cut it before his baptism. This is the before shots, we cut off so much hair!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Memorial Day

Mom and I went with the kids to visit Grandpas grave. It was a good experience for the kids! I think the exercise we got trying to find his siblings was also helpful!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Family in town!

It was so nice to have Pam come to town and add some helping hands to the house. Sydney was her shadow, playing with her makeup or helping comb her hair. She loved following grandma around!

Grandma was the fun one, and was still loved when Chip and Nic came, but Grandpa was the new one she shadowed. Nic, who she called kiki was constantly being summoned and didn't want to leave his side. She would sit outside the bathroom door not matter what they were doing, showering or other things and would ask if they were done, or had more, and as soon as they washed their hands, or turned off the shower she'd pop up excited and say 'all done'!!
Kate looked small but when Grandpa holds her she looks even smaller!
The boys were wonderful! Neil took some time off and they did jobs around the house, and entertained the kids, Carter was in heaven!!
Carter didn't know Nic was coming, so that was a special treat!