Sunday, October 31, 2010


Carter the Ninja

Sydney the Witch
We loved having Grandma here for Halloween, she was a witch a long with Me & Kate was our black cat.
I did this with Carter as a baby, but he didn't like it so much, I think the trick was sneaking out and doing it without Dads help! Isn't she sweet!
Carter is in the back, he just blends in!
It is always fun meeting up with the rest of the family.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Sydney & Kate

Saturday, October 23, 2010

She is here!

We are so glad to have Kate here. She was born Wed. morning, and is doing Wonderful! I think Neil was wondering if he could share a little of his 'Sydney love', but after watching him with Kate it is clear he has plenty to go around!!I am the most thrilled to see how excited Carter has been. He is in love with this little girl!!! He is awesome with her and is willing to do anything that is needed! He is such a good brother!
Sydney on the other hand made me very nervous when she visited us in the hospital, she had nothing to do with the baby, she wasn't the happiest and I think just yanked her arm once to see a blanket. So going home I was a little hesitant. She is doing much better now, we just occasionally had her give her a kiss good morning and good night, but then we pointed out Kate has toes like she does and I think that helped. She held her and liked it, the was far from soft, but she is loving her sister more everyday!
I knew we were having a baby, but when the doctor handed her to me, I mentally heard myself saying, oh my, that's a baby. Weird feeling, but it was nice having the couple days in the hospital to try and remember all the normal baby stuff. It was a bit dawnting to leave the comfort and safety of the hospital. She is so little, and so fun, we are loving having her!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Soon there will be five. . .

Crazy to think soon we'll be adding to our family!For Carters Birthday GG gave him a suite coat, he looks sooo old, but so handsome! That's my boy!
I love my boys!The belly is ready to pop! This is what Sydney does off and on all day long, she comes to give me a kiss and manages to hit the tummy!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Birthday Boys

Happy Birthday Dad & Carter!! Carter held out for an extra hour and a half so he could be born on Grandpas Birthday.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

8 Years Old!

Carter had a glow in the dark birthday party. It was so fun, the kids all wore white and with the black light on they all had a nice "glow" about them. We moved the furniture out of the family room and all the decorations were made of paper so they lit up. It was so fun! Too bad I couldn't figure out how to really take a good picture to show it all.
He and his friends played glow in the dark bowling, ring toss, and ended with glow in the dark bouncy balls.

Tonic water glows with a black light if added to things, so their lemonade looked awsome with the glowing icecubes. Jello will glow also if you add a little tonic water. Sandra was a life saver in helping to keep all moving nicely and helping with the cake.
A big hit of the night was making gak. It is kind of like silly putty, and slime combined. The boys loved it! It was a fun night!

Happy Birthday Carter!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

First Diamond Back Game

Neil took Carter to his first Diamond Back Game. They both had a great time! Carter was excited when he was given a home run ball that an usher had caught. The Diamond Back won, that always helps too.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Sydney's trip to Pch was a success and thrillingly shorter than planned trip!

She wasn't the biggest fan of getting the probes glued to her head, but thanks to bubbles she made it. We played with bubbled all day long for 3 days straight it seems. We had the catchable bubbles so they were all over the room, bed, floor, monitors and Sydney. What ever works!!

The point of the visit was to find out if what we have been calling seizures for the last 4 years were actually seizures. So she was hooked up to the EEG and taken off her seizure meds and monitored and videoed.
The nurses and Dr.s were so kind as always, it was nice being back on the 1st floor were we knew many of the nurses that walked in the door. It was funny to see some faces when I'd turn around and they'd see my belly. Many informed me they treat little ones, they don't deliver them. I kept reassuring them that wasn't in my plans for the visit! Neil came to visit the first night, which Sydney loved!
It is crazy as a mom to want a seizure, but by day two we were just waiting, and hoping. Sure enough the night of her second day she had one. It was a bit tricky to get her out of, but it was an accurate example of what her seizures did with length, body movement, breathing, and saturation. She required oxygen and monitoring for a while after due to needing to sedate her, but after her one they were able to put her back on her meds, not feeling the need to catch any more.
They were able to officially diagnose them as seizures. It is good to know we are treating the correct thing and she isn't on unnecessary medicines. She was not a fan of having the probes taken off, she was royally ticked with the teck until he let her play in the water, then she was a little more accommodating.
Summary of what we have learned: We are a bit more confused. But we have more facts to work with, they just aren't clear yet. Kids with GA1 have two mutations in the DNA, they only found one at this time making her a carrier, but feel the technology isn't available yet and when it is they will find the second and that will explain some of her symptoms. Most kids have this screening when they are a newborn, but she doesn't show signs in the normal blood as other kiddos do. Kids with GA1 don't have seizures, they have more cramping distonic episodes, like we saw last November/December. So finding the seizures leads Dr.s to think there is something else along with GA1 going on. That will be looked into at a latter date after all the baby's test come back. For now, Sydney's diet has been adjusted to accommodate her seizures, and GA1. She is doing amazingly well with her growth and development right now, so we are enjoying her thoroughly and will readdress things later. We love and appreciate all those that have been so helpful with Carter and keeping our family in your prayers!